- TBN Asia Bali Hybrid Conference 2022 “Balancing Profit & Impact:
The Journeys to Impact-baked-in Business Models” conference agenda - Impact Hub Kyoto リジェネラティブについてアースカンパニー濱川知宏さんに聞いてみる page 動画
- IPMI International Business School “Circular Economy & Innovation for Small Business” page
- FM京都NEWSROOM αのSINIC RADIO:「ダライ・ラマ14世との出会い」「Earth Companyの事業」「バリ島を拠点とする活動」「これからの夢やヴィジョン」page
- ASEAN-Japan Centre, ASEAN Update Seminar SDGs Series Vol.6 “Building the Ecosystem of Social Innovation: The Role of Impact Investing Intermediaries” English 日本語
- Talk Travel Asia podcast “#141: Asia’s Next-Gen Hotels with Tomo Hamakawa” page
- Asia Pacific Ecotourism Summit 2022, “Ecotourism Supported by Community” page
- リンクアンドモチベーション「THE MEANING OF WORK」オンラインイベント〜組織と個人の”働く意味”を再定義する〜 Event report
- Universitas Gadjah Mada, “Being Impactful with Sustainable Action” page
- HKCSS Hong Kong Dialogue 2021 “The new wave of social enterprises – social experiments by the Asian young social innovators” page
- Inside Asia podcast “In Search of Impact Heroes (w/ Tomo and Aska Hamakawa)” page
- STEAM Platform “Social Entrepreneurship: Leadership and Business Model” page
- Bluepreneur Bootcamp Program 2021 page
- Green School Bali, Pathways Day, LinkedIn post
- Ireland Japan Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Ireland in Japan: Ireland & Sustainability – A conversation with Ireland’s Climate Envoy, Sinead Walsh Report
- TBN Asia Impact Cafe 2021 page
- Eagles Leadership Conference 2021: Circular Economy, Environment & Energy page
- Global Green Economic Forum: Future Leaders Webinar Recording
- The Bridge @ Green School: Green Leadership Series page
- Holland Circular Hotspot: Team NL Tokyo Expo ‘Webinar Circularity in Manufacturing’ page
- B Corp Global Climate Summit: Asia Regional Panel page
- Ashoka-SMU Changemaker Forum 2021: Panel “Impact Heroes in Action: Integrating All Four Skills towards Social Innovation” page
- YSEALI Workshop on Future Workforce 2021, Mentor
- Make The Change: Conversations of Change Podcast “#12 Tomo Hamakawa on Sustainable Education in Schools” podcast
- Future Proof Lab: Masterclass “The Art of Living Impactfully” page
- Asia School of Business: Career Coffee Chat “Leading an Impactful Career: Balancing Meaning, Ambition, and Family” Report
- 国際協力NGOセンター(JANIC)HAPIC 2021「企業とのコレクティブインパクトで進めるエコシフト」
- 聖心女子大学グローバル共生研究所 SDGsオンラインセミナー「まるごとサスティナビリティ」
- 公益財団法人りそなアジア・オセアニア財団 第8回環境シンポジウム「COVID-19とSDGs ~コロナ時代の社会変容~」講演
- Smart City Institute Japan ウェビナーシリーズ「サーキュラー&エコロジーの視点から」NGOが経営するバリ島の究極のエシカルホテル 講演
- Switch Asia, UNEP, Thailand Environment Institute: Regional Dialogue Driving Mechanisms for Eco-Design in Asia Reports
- Switch Asia, UNEP, Asia Institute of Technology: Regional Policy Dialogue and Webinar on Sustainable Lifestyle. ‘Sustainable Consumption and Production in Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges with COVID-19’ Report Recording
- AIS Innovation Challenge, served as judge in the business competition Website
- 早稲田大学 地域・地域間研究機構「持続可能な未来型国際協力に重要な三つのこと」
- NHK Radio 三宅民夫のマイあさ!「田中孝宜のワールドアイ<海外で活躍する日本人の輪>」2020年4月6日放送
- Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) Global Accelerator Learning Initiative (GALI) Workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia. Acceleration of Accelerators in Asia-Pacific
- Archipelagic & Island States (AIS) Startup and Business Summit in Manado, Indonesia. Plenary: Blue Economy & Ecotourism “Managing the Overtourism” Agenda
- Asia Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) Annual Conference in Singapore.
‘Networking Lunch on Korea and Japan & Collaborations with Southeast Asia’ - Nexus Asia Summit in Fukushima, Japan. ‘The New World Order’, ‘Impact measurement’, ‘Climate Change’, ‘Refugee and Migrations’.
- Asia Clean Energy Forum in Manila, Philippines. Panels Women Entrepreneurship in Clean Energy and WIPO GREEN Technology Matchmaking Event in Southeast Asia
- Nexus Asia Summit in Bali, Indonesia. ‘Indonesia Spotlight’
- Startup Weekend Women Asia Pacific, served as judge in the competition, article
- Asia Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) Annual Conference in Bangkok, Thailand. Panel on Inclusive Business Model in Water and Sanitation
- Sankalp Southeast Asia Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia. Panels ‘Unusual Suspects for Innovation: Forming multi-sectoral partnerships towards SDGs’ and ‘R&D for Social Impact: Early-stage experimentation and prototyping.’
- East Asia Social Innovator Forum in Seoul, Korea
- 第9回コモンズ社会起業家フォーラム プレゼン動画
- Nikkei Social Business Contest 日経ソーシャルビジネスコンテスト
- Asia Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) Annual Conference in Hong Kong, Panel on Impact Assessment
- Sankalp Southeast Asia Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, Panel “Star Trek Tech for Social Good – Pipe Dream or Inevitable Future?”
- UCLA Anderson School of Management “Achieving a Triple Bottom Line in Indonesia and Beyond“
- World Bank“How Can Innovation Scale Up Development? A Dialogue with World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim” 世銀総裁と語る:開発にイノベーションが果たせる役割とは? Recording
- UNDP Data Innovation for Policy Makers Conference in Bali, Indonesia.
- University of Tokyo “Maximizing Health Impact through Innovations: Lessons from Product Development Partnership (PDP) in Global Health” in Tokyo, Japan.